Welcome to Scotland's Christian Heritage
We aim to provide a tourist guide to places associated with well-known Christians in Scottish history. We hope that this will be of interest to all visitors, whether from Scotland, from other parts of the United Kingdom or from overseas.
Melrose Abbey
Christian heritage can take many forms. For some it is buildings - historic cathedrals or beautiful churches - while for others it may be great art or music inspired by biblical narratives. For our purposes, the emphasis is on people, men and women whose lives have been devoted to the proclamation of the Christian gospel and its practical outworking, both in Scotland and across the world. We have attempted to identify the places where they have been born, lived, worked, died or lie buried, and to give brief details of their lives.
Window at Free Church College, Edinburgh
Scottish church history, like that of Scotland itself, is complex and often turbulent. Even those with a good general knowledge may not be aware of the significance of the National Covenant, the Secession movement or the Great Disruption - events of great importance to the story of the Scottish church. We have attempted simple explanations where appropriate.
The website is a work in progress. Recent circumstances [2020] have meant that we have been unable to visit all locations which may be of interest to visitors. We hope to make good these omissions in due course. We are grateful for the support and advice of Paul James Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh.
Please send us your comments, with any suggestions for additions or alterations to the website.